Goldingen Kuldiga UNESCO site

Kuldīgas (Goldingen) UNESCO

Goldingen Kuldiga UNESCO site

Kuldīga's application to the UNESCO World Heritage List

Brief summary of the UNESCO application

The old town of Kuldīga is located in the west of Latvia at the confluence of the Venta and Alekšupīte rivers in the central part of Kurzeme, approximately 150 kilometers west of Riga. First mentioned in historical documents in 1242, Kuldīga has been part of the Hanseatic League since 1368. City...
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In order to identify and substantiate the values of the unique cultural environment and natural complex of the old town, 32 studies have been developed in the fields of architecture, history, archaeology, geography, landscapes and other areas. The municipality has also prepared 14 applications for awards and reports. List of developed studies. Nominations have been prepared...
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Restoration Center

The Kuldīgas Restoration Center has been created as a wood restoration workshop on the initiative of the Kuldīgas County Council with the support of a Norwegian financial instrument, technical equipment and tools have been purchased accordingly. The center started its operation at the beginning of 2010. Its operational objectives are...
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Kuldiga on the way to UNESCO - the stages so far

1997 - Latvia ratifies the UNESCO Convention on the Protection of World Cultural and Natural Heritage, the idea of nominating Kuldīga for the UNESCO World Heritage List arises.
2001 – The municipality of Kuldīga submits a report to the Latvian National Commission for UNESCO on the desire to start work on the preparation of the Kuldīga nomination together with the National Cultural Heritage Administration.
2004 - The nomination of Kuldīga to the Latvian national list of UNESCO World Heritage was submitted and approved.
2011 - The UNESCO LNK Assembly reconfirms the nomination of Kuldīga in the Latvian national list of UNESCO World Heritage and sets the conditions for the preparatory work, so that the nomination could be submitted to the UNESCO World Heritage List in the future.
2021 –  Latvija UNESCO Pasaules mantojuma sarakstam nominē Kuldīgu, iesniedzot UNESCO Pasaules mantojuma centram sagatavoto nominācijas “Kuldīga/Goldingena Kurzemē”

2023 –  A positive decision of the experts of the International Council of Landmarks and Monuments (ICOMOS) was received regarding the inscription of Kuldīga's nomination into the World Heritage List, which is a recommendation for the vote of the members of the UNESCO World Heritage Committee. It is recommended to expand the territory to be included in the nomination, the scope of historical stages and change the name to "Kuldīga Old Town."

2023 –  17. September, the 45th session of the UNESCO World Heritage Committee in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, makes decision on the inscription of the Kuldīga Old Town to the UNESCO World Heritage List

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Kuldiga is inscribed into the UNESCO World Heritage List

Kuldīga iekļauta UNESCO Pasaules mantojuma sarakstā – tā, atzīstot un novērtējot  Kuldīgas vecpilsētas unikālo vērtību arī pasaules mērogā, lēmušas dalībvalstis Pasaules mantojuma komitejas 45. sesijā,...
Read more "Kuldīgu iekļauj UNESCO Pasaules mantojuma sarakstā"


Kuldīga ceļā uz UNESCO Pasaules mantojuma sarakstu2021. gada janvārī Latvija UNESCO Pasaules mantojuma sarakstam nominēja Kuldīgu, iesniedzot UNESCO Pasaules mantojuma centram sagatavoto nominācijas “Kuldīga /  Goldingena...

Latvia applies Kuldīga to the UNESCO World Heritage List

Latvia has nominated Kuldiga for the UNESCO World Heritage List. On Wednesday, January 20, the nomination application was signed by the Minister of Culture Nauris Puntulis, in the presence of the chairwoman of the Kuldīga County Council, Inga, on the ZOOM platform...
Read more "Latvia applies Kuldīga to the UNESCO World Heritage List"

Preservation of the old town of Kuldiga is a priority

Preservation of the old town is a priority in the sustainable development strategy, development program and budget of Kuldīga region Preservation of the old town - a priority in the sustainable development strategy, development program and budget of Kuldīga county. Kuldīgas was approved in 2011 preservation and development plan of the old town, which comprehensively deals with the preservation of cultural and historical heritage, integrating it into economic development, environmental protection, tourism, and cultural development.
Main areas of activity:

  • Research
  • Education and community involvement
  • Heritage protection
  • Building an image

Heritage protection and management

Municipal policy - a lively, full old town
An example of a municipality organizing its properties by putting a function in the old town
Total investments in the infrastructure of the old town, in its territory 2009-2019. – about 42 million EUR.

The most important support programs for citizens:
Competition for the preservation of monuments, buildings and national culture of the old town - since 2014, 103 projects have been implemented, 90% of the projects - in the old town, municipal funding 485 thousand. EUR;
Multi-apartment residential yard improvement program – 51 projects implemented since 2012, half of the projects in the old town,
municipal funding 194 thousand EUR;

Formulation and justification of Kuldiga Universal Value (OUV) of special significance

Kuldīga is the best-preserved and last remaining urban evidence of the architecture and urban planning of the Duchy of Kurzeme and Zemgale, which is reflected in the landscape, street and square planning with essential preserved elements of nature, construction and infrastructure from the times of the Duchy of Kurzeme and Zemgale.

Therefore, Kuldīga provides unique information about the duchy's cities, industries, crafts, traditions and people.

Name of nomination:

Kuldīga - Goldingen in Kurzeme

(Kuldiga – Goldingen in Courland)
